Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Many people simply do not believe me when I tell them of the existence of the infamous short film, 'Gayniggers From Outer Space'.

Seriously, this has to be one of the best film titles of all time. Could the content possibly live up to such an awesome title? I believe it does. However, you should really watch it for yourself and decide...

simply amazing...

Now if you were moved by this incredible cinematic vision, feel free to visit the GNAA Corporate Homepage and join this fantastic organization...

1 comment:

Lilith Morningstar said...

This movie is truly a find. Not only is it entrancing...but its in disco black and white! Black and white funky films challenge your brain to transform those dull colors into a vibrant rainbow inside your head...are those platforms hot pink or cyan? Now you no longer are restricted or told what color things are...because no body knows for sure...let them tell you otherwise!
Seriously this film was the absolute best.